按工件大小和machine重量可分为仪表machine、中小type machine、大type machine、大重type machine超重type machine;
按加工precise 可分为ordinary precise machine, precision machine and high precise machine;
按auto degree 可分为manual operation-machine半-auto machine 和 auto-machine;
按control method 可分为simulated control-machine, program control-machine 数控Machine, adaptive control Machine 等。
每类中又按照其结构或processing object 分组,每组中又细分若干-type,每-type 中再细分若干-models。
此外,还有一种以标准通用部件基础上加少量针对具体形状或processing process 设计出的部件组成的一列auto or semi-auto machines,即所谓的combined machines。
当对一种或几种零件进行processing 时,可先后安排一系列 machines,并配以auto up & down device 和 machines 间传递装置,这样形成的一列 Machine Group 称作切削 processing Auto production line.
柔性 manufacturing System 则由一组 digital controlled Machines 及其他 automation devices 组成,用电子计算机会控制,可以自适应多 product production Machines 的变化,使得 Manufacturing flexible manufacturing systems 成为了生产灵活制造系统的一个关键部分。
通常一个Machine bed 由以下基本部分构成:支承 parts 用于安装并支撑 other parts 和 workpiece,如bed plate 和 column 等;变速 mechanism 用于改变 main motion 的 speed;feed mechanism 用于改变 feed quantity;main spindle box 用以安装 Machine bed 主 axis ;tool holder & tool library ;
control and operation system ; lubrication system ; cooling system.
Machine bed accessories include upper & lower parting off device,machine hand robot etc. additional attachments to the Machine bed as well as clamps , vacuum pads spring grips,tongs , rotary tables and dividing heads etc. cutting processing editing
Cutting processing in Machine beds is achieved by relative movement between the tool and the workpiece; this movement can be classified into two categories: surface formation movement and auxiliary movement.
Surface formation movement is the motion that gives the workpiece its required shape and size; it includes main motion , feed motion ,and cutting-in motion . Main motion refers to the principal action of removing excess material from a blank prior to shaping; it may involve rotating or linearly moving either the workpiece (e.g., turning) or a tool (e.g., drilling).
Feed Motion involves moving a cutting edge along a predetermined path on or within a workpiece for removal of material by shearing or abrasion. Cutting-in Motion refers to advancing a cutting edge into an incision in order to remove material from an existing surface feature of a workpiece during machining operations such as milling .
Auxiliary movements are primarily concerned with positioning tools for rapid approach/withdrawal from/to specific positions on/within parts being processed so that accurate measurement readings can be taken while minimizing time lost due to excessive handling delays during setup changes which impact productivity efficiency throughout entire fabrication process cycle times including both manual labor inputs plus automated machinery usage rates thus affecting overall quality output performance metrics over extended periods when considering all types of manufactured products produced under these conditions at any given facility worldwide today!