长期来看,为应对全球气候变化,各国积极践行绿色可持续发展之路,全球汽车产业正朝着电动化方向转型,新能源汽车产业得到快速发展。根据研究机构EV Tank、中汽协等数据显示,2023年全球新能源汽车总体销量达到1465.3万辆,大幅增长35.4%;其中中国新能源汽车销量达949.5万辆占比64.8%,同比增长37.9%,渗透率上升到31.6%,同比增加5.9个百分点。此外美国和欧洲2023年全年新能源汽车销量分别为294.8万辆和146.8万辆,同比增速分别为18.3%和48.0%。此外,《中国新能源汽车动力电池行业发展(2024年)》预测到2030年全球动力电池出货量将达到3368GWh,其中我国动力电池出货量630GWh,将有接近三倍增长空间。
碳中和背景下,对于推进能源构建以新能源为主体的新型电力系统成为共识,其中储能作为增强供需平衡核心被广泛认可。在这个背景下,如EV Tank统计显示,在风电光伏安装规模提升以及碳酸锂价格回落带来的经济性提升下,全世界对于储能需求持续增加。据GGII统计数据显示,在2023年度,全世界储能输出超过225GWh,这一数字同比增长50%,其中中国储能输出达到了206GWh。
最后,与此同时,我们还看到 automobiles industry automation level is relatively high, and through the adoption of modular production methods, it improves assembly quality and shortens production cycles.In this process, new energy vehicles are growing rapidly in terms of battery modules, packs, electric drives and other key areas; leading car companies such as Volkswagen, BMW and Daimler are accelerating their transition to electromobility; the entire industrial chain is constructing a new modularized production platform based on new energy power systems (batteries, electric drives) at key nodes; especially in battery module lines, pack lines, electric drive lines and upgrading existing equipment for higher intelligence and automation.
As hydrogen becomes an important component of the energy system,it will be widely used in transportation ,industrial applications ,chemicals ,steel-making ,construction etc.,deeply promoting the transformation towards zero-carbon or low-carbon industries,and building a clean,safe,effective new generation of energy systems to help achieve carbon peaking,carbon neutrality national strategies.The recent years have included Japan,Korea,U.S.,Europe,Middle East countries have released hydrogen development plans.For example,Korea expects that by 2050,hydrogen will become Korea's largest source of energy with a share of 33%;Germany expects that by 2030,hydrogen imports will account for 50-70% of total supply.A similar trend is seen in China where policies support the development of hydrogen industry.
Thus under these circumstances,the company must adhere to the disclosure requirements stipulated in "Guideline No.4 —— Creative Board Industry Information Disclosure" issued by Shenzhen Stock Exchange regarding related businesses within lithium-ion battery industry chain.The company specializes in developing designing manufacturing selling high-end non-standard smart equipment globally recognized leader service provider covering lithium-ion batteries smart equipment solar smart equipment three big circulation electronic products logistics intelligent systems automotive intelligent production line hydrogen fuel cell technology application development services.As per classification guideline issued by CSRC on October 2012,the company belongs to "Special Equipment Manufacturing C35".