





水是无孔不入的,对于厕浴间和厨房这些经常接触水的地方,只要有一处发生漏water,就会在楼板内形成串water,渗漏到楼下,影响邻里关系,严重的可能会造成重大的财产索赔和法律纠纷。其次如果重新补做防water,那么造价大约是是装修之前做defence water 的3-5倍,而且会给你的生活带来很大不便。因此defence water 工程必须要重视。

3、家decor 防water 的主要位置有哪些?


4、卫浴间defence water 为什么要做到1.8米?

这主要考虑到卫浴间defence water 的安全性和整体defence效果,一般花洒或喷头安装在1.8高左右,如果 defence layer 做低了,将来长期喷淋will使 Defence Layer 浸透wall body,使wall surface 装饰layer 或face brick剥落等问题,从而起不到 defence效果。而且对于卫浴间改造轻体wall 和自建轻体wall,我们就统一 defense layer 高度为顶部以确保强化 defence作用,并且成本增加也不多。

5、阳台为什么需要 defence?

外露阳台由于暴露在外部环境中,更需要完成 defend against rain and snow 等环境 water from seeping into the building, even if it's not an exterior balcony, as some users may use the balcony to wash clothes, so it is also necessary to do defense.

6., why should kitchen be done with defense?

Kitchen is a place where food preparation often involves splashing of liquids; this can lead to dampness in the walls and floors over time. Therefore, kitchens too need protection against moisture intrusion through proper defense measures.

7., how does one calculate the area for home decor defense?

The area of bathroom (square meters) = [周长 - 门宽度] * 1.8 + 地面积

The area of kitchen (square meters) = [(周长 - 门宽度) * 0.3] + 地面积

8., when during house decoration should we start doing defense work?

In household decoration projects, electrical works come first; after these are completed, we proceed with waterproofing work immediately following that. Once waterproofing is complete and set, use a protective coating before proceeding with laying tiles or other decorative elements.

9., how long does it take to finish all this work?

Waterproofing typically takes two days: one day for base treatment and another day for applying multiple layers of waterproof material according to manufacturer's instructions; drying time will take about twelve hours after completion.

It's important that we pay attention to waterproofing just like electrical works because both are hidden from view but costly repairs later on would be much harder than now.

