Intel, the dominant player in the high-performance computing (HPC) market for years, faced a double challenge from Arm and AMD in 2020. The HPC landscape is shifting, with new players entering the scene and existing ones innovating to stay ahead.
The market share of Intel's x86 processors has been above 90% for a long time. However, AMD's Epyc processors have been gaining ground since their launch, offering better performance at lower prices. Additionally, Arm-based processors are slowly but surely making their way into the HPC space.
For instance, Japan's Fujitsu has developed an Arm-based processor called A64FX specifically designed for HPC workloads. It will be used in Japan's Fugaku supercomputer system scheduled to go live later this year.
Marvell Technology Group also launched its ThunderX2 SoC last year as part of its push into the HPC space using Arm architecture.
While Intel still dominates the server market including HPC with its Xeon CPUs and Nvidia GPUs combined with Optane storage solutions.
But AMD is coming close with its Rome Epyc processor which offers higher performance per watt than any other competitor currently available on the market.
And ARM architecture based servers like those offered by Marvell and Fujitsu are also becoming more popular especially among European customers who want alternatives to traditional x86 hardware.
So while Intel may still hold onto most of the current HPC server market share it looks like that lead could be eroded over time as competitors continue to innovate and improve their offerings.
In summary: While Intel remains dominant in high-performance computing (HPC), it faces increasing competition from AMD Epyc processors and emerging threats from Arm-based architectures such as Fujitsu’s A64FX chip set to debut within Japan’s Fugaku supercomputer system late this year; plus Marvell Technology Group’s entry-level SoC product line leveraging ARM technology; all these advancements can potentially disrupt current business models & pricing structures within industry leading firms that provide powerful processing capabilities needed by researchers worldwide working on complex simulations related scientific projects involving advanced computational power systems or so-called "supercomputers".