水是无孔不入的,对于厕浴间和厨房这些经常接触water的地方,只要有一处发生漏water,就会在楼板内形成串water,渗漏到楼下,影响邻里关系,严重的可能会造成重大的财产索赔和法律纠纷。其次如果重新补做defence water layer,造价大约是是装修之前做defence water layer 的3-5倍,而且会给你的生活带来很大不便。因此defence water engineering必须要重视。
家裝defence water的主要位置有哪些?
衛浴間defence water為何需要達到1.8米?
這主要考慮到衛浴間defence water 的安全性及整體效果,一般花洒或喷頭安裝在1.8高左右,如果 defence water 做低了,便會使得wall body 霉變,使得wall face 裝飾層涂料或face brick 剝落等問題,因此起不到 defense effect,而非淋浴wall 原則上作為 1.5 米 就可以了,但為了增強 defense effect 我們就統一作為 1.8 米 高,並且成本增加也不多,再者對於衛浴間改造輕体 wall 及自建輕体 wall,我們建議 defence height 作為頂部。
陽台為何需進行 defences?
外露阳台由於暴露在外部環境中,都需進行 defence,以避免雨雪等環境Water 渗透到樓下,即便是非外露阳台,由於有的用戶把阳台當作洗晾衣物的地方,也通常需進行 defence.
6., why should we do kitchen Defence Water?
kitchen is the second most important place for Defence Water after bathroom because of washing vegetables and dishes will cause some degree of leakage, long term can lead to seepage along the floor drain seams, causing leakage Therefore kitchen also needs Defence Water protection Generally recommended that kitchen floor and walls be lifted by 0:3 meters for Defence Water Protection Wall body where sinks are installed be lifted by 1:5 meters set up a Defense Layer.
7., how to calculate family decoration's Defence area
Bathroom Defense Area = [(bathroom floor perimeter - door width) * 1:8] + (floor area)
Kitchen Defense Area = [(kitchen floor perimeter - door width) * 0:3] + (floor area)
8., when should we start doing Defence during decoration process?
Family Decoration starts with electrical work, electrical work ends then you need to do Defence immediately After completing the Defense Work and allowing it to dry completely, use an aggregate material like cement paste to protect it before continuing with other decorative works such as laying tiles It is worth noting that the Defense Work should be done as close as possible to the structural layer.
9., how long does it take for entire construction of Defences?
Defenses generally require two days' time; base treatment takes about one or two hours each Depending on materials used in accordance with manufacturer instructions The drying time required after completion of Defences can take around twelve hours usually from afternoon construction till morning next day
Defenses engineering just like electrical work is an hidden part but difficult later maintenance cost may increase several times So before decorating remember importance choose good quality Materials & skilled team otherwise future troubles & losses could occur This article was originally published in official media or other websites Copyright belongs to original author Republishing here aims at spreading information widely so its value can be better utilized If there are copyright issues please contact us We will verify confirm handle promptly All rights reserved National Homeowners Exchange QQ group:573032185 WeChat wx17house Follow us receive discounts tips